We are excited to announce that Shakia Rose, a Division of Applied Undergraduate Studies (DAUS) graduate will be the NYU SPS 2020 Convocation Speaker on Thursday, May 21st. Shakia completed her BA in Social Sciences, with a concentration in Organizational Behavior and Change, in December 2019. Currently working in Kabul, Afghanistan as a Data Project Manager/Liaison, Shakia joined the military at age 17. She has lived and worked in Afghanistan for the last 11 years. As she learned the skills of managing and developing large scale projects, Shakia increasingly felt she needed to return to school and complete her degree.
Encouraged by a good friend and mentor in the military, Shakia applied to NYU with the goal of becoming a vital asset in the field of Organization/Project Management. Here is Shakia in her own words, sharing her educational growth and progress at NYU SPS:
“My experience within SPS and DAUS has been an amazing and life-changing journey. The advising staff, professors, and administrative professionals in DAUS displayed selflessness, devotion, and commitment. My professors challenged me to rise to the occasion and become a better student and business professional. The array of resources I had access to, coupled with the flexibility and structure of online courses, made my experience that much more fulfilling. For instance, I was introduced to new software and technologies in my International Entrepreneurship course. I continue to use those technologies in my day-to-day work. These experiences have changed how I conduct business currently and for the future.
My favorite NYU moment was in December 2019. I was able to return from Afghanistan and present my final presentation in my Senior Project Internship course. We had a potluck as we presented our finals. Moreover, my greatest achievement within SPS is the lifelong friends I’ve made. As a full-time online student, I was able to build and nurture friendships that will last a lifetime. That alone speaks to the character of each and every student within DAUS. Being so far away, my classmates helped me in every way possible. They checked in on me, FaceTimed me, and always made me feel as though I was part of the team. My biggest takeaway is that great minds can truly function best within a great collaborative environment. NYU SPS and DAUS provided me with that environment. This has and will always be an unforgettable journey.”
Why did Shakia apply to be our Undergraduate Convocation speaker? “The simple statement, ‘It’s never too late,’ is what motivated me to submit my application. After talking it over with my husband and my grandma, who is a retired educator, I went for it. As someone who’d given up at one point on finishing my degree, I am living proof that ‘it’s never too late,’ regardless of your location or situation in life. I completed my degree with bombs going off on some days and internet connectivity going out as I submitted my course finals. As I thought about my journey, I said to myself, I have so much to offer, and I’ve overcome so much adversity, how could I not share my story with my peers?”
Congratulations Shakia and the Class of 2020! #WeAreSPS