The NYUSPS Division of Applied Undergraduate Studies (DAUS) is proud of its work with the New York University Prison Education Program (NYU PEP), which aims to expand access to higher education within communities impacted by the criminal justice system, to address inequities within our NYU community, and to model how a research university can advance solutions to real world problems.
Started in 2015, NYU PEP is a college program that offers credit-bearing coursework leading to an Associate’s Degree in Liberal Studies at Wallkill Correctional Facility. NYU maintains enrollment of at least 60 students each semester at the facility. All courses are taught in person and in classrooms that are equipped with desks, white boards, and audiovisual technology. NYU faculty travel to Wallkill, New York weekly to teach 3-hour seminars.
When PEP students exit Wallkill before finishing their degree, they are able to transfer all of their credits to DAUS and continue their studies without delay or interruption. Earning their degree through DAUS, these students are offered financial assistance up to 25% of otherwise unmet tuition costs. Students also participate in non-credit professional workshops and academic tutoring offered by PEP volunteers, faculty, and staff each semester. Workshops are developed in collaboration with a student council at Wallkill. Christopher Piegaro, DAUS Associate Director of Advising and Academic Support Services, affirms, "We are fortunate to be able to collaborate with this important program. We look forward to our students becoming transformative members of our learning community."
October 18, 2019