May 3, 2018

In the 2018 "One Book, One New York" Press Release, Dean Gastic Rosado offers her thoughts on the book choice

We are proud that our Associate Dean, Dr. Billie Gastic Rosado, was quoted on the NYC Mayor's Office of Media and Entertainment website regarding the summer 2018 One Book, One New York. Here is a brief excerpt:

"Manhattan Beach is a terrific choice! There's something for every reader—a strong female protagonist, depictions of Brooklyn of long ago, and the influence of the water, which can soothe and threaten, inspire and mystify," noted Billie Gastic, Associate Dean of the NYUSPS Division of Applied Undergraduate Studies.

For the second consecutive year, the NYU School of Professional Studies Division of Applied Undergraduate Studies will be participating in One Book, One New York. This year, it also will be joined by the School's Center for Applied Liberal Arts. Both units will host a number of initiatives in which students can read and discuss Manhattan Beach by the end of the semester. They will launch a virtual book club via Twitter, moderating discussions about the book, its themes, and connection to New York City. In addition, they will have a faculty led discussion on topics related to the book.

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