From December 12 to 16, Dr. Waheguru Pal Sidhu participated in a Wilton Park Conference titled “The NPT after the 2022 Review Conference” organized by the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office in partnership with several other international agencies. Informally titled ‘Nukes at Christmas,’ and held in the picturesque Wiston House, the annual conference examined the NPT’s evolving geopolitical context, the impact of emerging technologies on the NPT, the role of peaceful uses in advancing the sustainable development goals, and the way forward for disarmament diplomacy.
Dr. Sidhu also co-authored the introduction to the special issue of the Journal for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament titled “China-India-Pakistan Nuclear Trilemma and the Imperative of Risk Reduction Measures.” The special issue includes several essays by leading scholars and practitioners, primarily from China, India and Pakistan, on the various domestic, regional, and global drivers of the trilemma and efforts to address them.
On December 1, 2022, Professor Trahan participated in teaching an online workshop organized by the Public International Law and Policy Group (PILPG) on the elements of the crimes of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and the crime of aggression. The workshop was designed to assist Ukrainian NGOs. Professor Trahan co-taught, with former ICC President Judge Chile Eboe-Osuji, the session on the elements of the crime of aggression.
Then, on December 6, Professor Trahan spoke in The Hague, Netherlands, as part of a side event during the 21st Session of the Assembly of States Parties of the International Criminal Court (ICC). The panel on which she spoke was entitled "The ICC and the Crime of Aggression: In Defense of the Rules-Based International Order," co-hosted by Belgium, Estonia, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, and the Global Institute for the Prevention of Aggression.
Finally, on December 15, Professor Trahan participated in an online panel on a "Special Tribunal on the Crime of Aggression against Ukraine: where are we now?" The panel, which also featured the Ukrainian Ambassador-at-Large Anton Korynevych, Ambassador Hans Corell, and Ambassador David J. Scheffer, was co-organized by the Ukrainian Bar Association, the Global Accountability Network, the International Section of the NY State Bar Association, and the Robert H. Jackson Center.
The Global Institute for the Prevention of Aggression, of which Professor Trahan serves as Convenor, also issued a Statement calling on States Parties to the ICC's Rome Statute to remove the restrictions on the ICC's jurisdiction over the crime of aggression.