Academic Support

If you are experiencing academic challenges and assistance with your coursework and/or study skills, peer tutors are available to provide one-on-one tutoring sessions.

If you are experiencing academic challenges and assistance with your coursework and/or study skills, peer tutors are available to provide one-on-one tutoring sessions.   

You can book tutoring appointments by following these easy steps:

  • Navigate to NYU Connect via NYU Home
  • Locate your SPS Student Support card
  • Select the tutor needs (math or writing)
  • Choose an appointment time slot
The center also provides educational workshops to help enhance students' academic experience. Specific topics include “Navigating Conversation about Identity within the Classroom”, Classroom Expectations, Public Speaking and Presentation Prep, “Student Success Preparation”, and more. For a view of the current workshops and to register, please log into NYU Engage.