December 12, 2019

DPB Community Building Initiative Hosts "Life Without Plastic"

On Thursday, December 12, 2019, the NYUSPS Division of Programs in Business (DPB) hosted a Community Building Initiative (CBI) event: “Life Without Plastic.” Caitlin Enz, Program Administrator for DPB’s Integrated Marketing & Communications department, delivered an interactive seminar on the critical importance of reducing plastic waste for social and environmental wellbeing. Participants enjoyed a plastic-free lunch while learning about essential tools of sustainability and other best practices. 

Launched in Spring 2017, CBI was created to foster DPB staff engagement and professional growth. The CBI Committee stewards a variety of activities such as “Lunch & Learn” workshops educating staff in essential business and life skills and technologies. Prior topics include social media trends, business writing, successful communication strategies, virtual reality, and design thinking. 

DPB is the largest division at NYU School of Professional Studies, with over 2,200 students, 500 faculty, and 6,700 alumni. The Division comprises four centers of excellence that educate leaders in the functional areas of an enterprise. Each department’s credit and non-credit portfolio of offerings serves students at every level of their careers, providing them with the knowledge and skills required to succeed in critical positions in their professional development. 

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