The NYUSPS Division of Programs in Business (DPB) hosted "How to Start a Startup at NYU" on Thursday, October 31, 2019, as part of its Industry Connection Series (ICS). Sarah Maibach, Senior Program Manager at the NYU Entrepreneurial Institute, educated participants at the NYU Midtown Center on programs, events, funding, and mentorship opportunities that NYU offers to support and accelerate entrepreneurs.
The NYU Entrepreneurial Institute leads University-wide initiatives to launch successful startups and commercialize technology created by NYU’s 60,000 students, faculty, and researchers. Their team of startup experts offers educational programming and events, industry-specific resources, and funding to cultivate the next generation of startup leaders.
Launched in the spring of 2017, ICS has garnered a growing audience for innovative topics such as "VisuaLeadership," "The Performance Management Revolution," and "The Organic Growth Playbook." Each session provides DPB students, faculty, alumni, and staff with leading-edge insights into current business trends and industry developments.
DPB is the largest division at NYU School of Professional Studies, with over 2,200 students, 500 faculty, and 6,700 alumni. The Division comprises four centers of excellence that educate leaders in the functional areas of an enterprise. Each department’s credit and non-credit portfolio of offerings serves students at every level of their careers, providing them with the knowledge and skills required to succeed in critical positions in their professional development.