Center for Publishing

Writing and Editing for Digital Platforms

Success in publishing increasingly means knowing how to create strong digital content, which includes crafting original, optimized stories for websites, having a mastery of social media, whether for mobile, social media, or apps, and knowing how to s well as learning how to effectively migrate content from print to online and vice versa, particularly at legacy publishers. This course explores the theory and practice behind creating digital content for all platforms while considering distribution, from search to social media, whether for owned and operated sites, search, or distributed platforms. Students will learn the tricks of digital editing, assigning, writing, and packaging, and search engine optimization to maximize social media and platform success. They will also learn about the interaction between the digital and print editor, what makes for a strong content management system and digital user experience, and how to create a site content that draws eyeballs and engages loyal readers. Students will also understand how to evaluate the effectiveness of digital content through metrics and user behavior.
Course Number
Associated Degrees