Professional Writing
- Sharpens Your Writing and Editing Skills
- Develops Your Ability to Communicate Across Platforms
- Strengthens Your Intercultural Communication Skills for a Global Workplace
Professional writing and editing skills are in increasing demand in today’s competitive job market. These courses will develop your ability to write effective emails, memos, brochures, and reports; hone your intercultural communication skills; and represent a brand effectively across platforms in a global workplace. Learn techniques to adapt your message to fit different audiences, campaigns, and contexts. Try a single class or explore our Certificate in Professional Writing .
This semester, study in-person or from anywhere in the world from the safety and comfort of your home through online or remote instruction.
Grammar Review
Come away from this class with a better understanding of grammar and improved confidence in your writing.
Strategic Communications and Corporate Storytelling
Learn to craft compelling narratives that match the tone and intentions of a company, brand, or communication campaign.
Writing for Fundraising: Grantwriting and Case Statements
Learn how to write effective grant proposals and case statements—necessities for increasing funding for your nonprofit.
Mastering English Grammar
Review the eight principal parts of speech, and gain an understanding of how they work together syntactically to form sentences.
Fundamentals of Storytelling
Explore the basic elements of story, and apply them to your writing for more dynamic content, whether for novels or résumés.
Persuading in Business: Leadership, Public Speaking, and Executive Communication
In this lively and experiential course, you will develop the high-performance language and communication strategies used by exemplary presenters...
Multimedia Storytelling
Multimedia storytelling has the power to provide context and depth to news stories, fundraising drives, marketing campaigns, and personal...
Introduction to the Media Industry
**Course for Fall 2024 is full, to be added to the waitlist, please contact** In this two-session course taught by a...
Media Literacy: An Overview
When working in media jobs, it’s essential to be both a savvy consumer of the news as well as a thoughtful editor. This class, taught by a...
A Career in Freelance Copyediting
Hone both your copyediting skills and your professionalism, and receive expert advice on how to get hired at either a magazine or book publisher.
Digital Storytelling for Fundraising: Leveraging Emerging Technology for Impact
Learn to leverage digital platforms to effectively raise awareness about a cause, diversify fundraising, and innovate to become more relevant.