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What to Watch for 2024: The Politics, the Issues, the Players

Register for this Fall 2023 course on the NYU SPS Academy of Lifelong Learning website.
As the 2024 election process begins, the one-day “intensive” will focus on the state of political America--the landscape for the presidential and congressional elections in the primary and general election campaigns, and the potential consequences for the US political system.  The course will consider what’s on Americans’ minds--what the country is thinking and feeling - as the election year approaches. We’ll review ballot initiatives that could significantly impact state elections and the presidential race. We’ll discuss party ideology (e.g. “MAGA” vs. traditional Republicans). We’ll explore election demographics--how can voting groups like Millennials, Gen-Xers, suburban women, Blacks, Latinos, Independents, moderate “swing” voters determine the presidential outcome? We’ll discuss what to make of the polls. We’ll look at the issues likely to be most important, considering whether any--e.g. abortion--could be determinative. We’ll review the implications of upcoming 2023 gubernatorial and state legislative elections and the presidential primary calendar with an eye toward what to watch as the nomination process unfolds. The course will conclude with ample time for class discussion.

Fall 2023 tuition is $249.

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NO open sections available for this course at the moment. Please check back next semester.