Nonprofit Management
- Focuses on Management Principles
- Builds Operational Skills
- Explores Responsiblities of the Board
The structure of a nonprofit organization can often be complex, but typically involves a board of trustees or directors, a chief development officer, and key staff members who provide specialized support and services. If you are interested in pursuing a career in nonprofit management, these courses provide an overview of the processes for implementing organizational policies and procedures for planning and directing operations.
This semester, study from anywhere in the world in the safety and comfort of your home through online or remote instruction.
Public-Private Partnerships: Leveraging Success
No one organization or sector has the full suite of capabilities, relationships or assets to tackle persistent and escalating social problems...
Management for Nonprofit Organizations
As a nonprofit manager, learn how to get the most from every employee and how to identify and manage your top performers.
Volunteerism: Recruitment to Retention
Volunteerism is a valuable way for people to contribute to nonprofit organizations. It is becoming increasingly popular among students,...
Applied Project in Fundraising: Putting Knowledge to Practice
In this applied project course, students will have the opportunity to work on a real-world fundraising consultancy project in collaboration with...