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Fundraising Overview

  • Discusses Purpose of Philanthropy
  • Reviews Methods of Giving
  • Explores Roles of Nonprofit Organizations 

These courses provide a general overview of the topic of fundraising and nonprofit management and are perfect for those who are considering a career or just starting out in these fields. They will ground you in the basics and will afford a comprehensive picture of why individuals and organizations raise money and how they do it.

This semester, study from anywhere in the world in the safety and comfort of your home through online or remote instruction.

Corporate and Foundation Philanthropy

Examine the philosophy that motivates corporate and foundation giving, reviewing past and current trends and priorities.

2024 Fall
1 section

Fundraising Concepts and Practices

Learn theories and concepts of fundraising, from the basics to new ideas, with applications to practical cases and situations.

2024 Fall
2 sections

Applied Project in Fundraising: Putting Knowledge to Practice

In this applied project course, students will have the opportunity to work on a real-world fundraising consultancy project in collaboration with...