Roger Scher
Adjunct Assistant ProfessorRoger Scher is a long-time country risk analyst, manager and educator – recently, the Global Head of Country Risk at G.E. Capital. Author of the white paper, Ten Point Plan, a Strategic Plan for the United States, Prof. Scher is currently applying the country risk approach to the U.S. case. He has broad experience making advance calls on country risk in developed and emerging markets, and is a specialist in sovereign ratings, international political economy, and research. At G.E., Prof. Scher developed a country risk scorecard to rank countries in order to support leadership decision-making regarding risk appetite. During his career, Prof. Scher posted as a Foreign Service Officer to the U.S. embassy in Venezuela, worked at the Federal Reserve as a Germany analyst, and was the Country Risk Manager for the Americas at the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, and a rating agency Managing Director heading Latin American Sovereigns.
Past Courses
The Global Economy and Financial Markets: Making Sense of News Headlines
Register for this course on the NYU SPS Academy of Lifelong Learning website. Deciphering economic and financial terminology can be...
International Political Economy
Gain a better understanding of the state of the world economy and the opportunities and challenges posed by international economic interdependence.