Margaret Boe Birns
Adjunct Assistant ProfessorMargaret Boe Birns is an Adjunct Assistant Professor at New York University, and Adjunct Associate Professor of literature at The New School. She has published chapters in Roberto Bolaño: A Less-Distant Star edited by Ignacio Lopez-Caldo and in Harold Bloom’s Agatha Christie: Modern Critical Views, and articles in The Literary Review, The Massachusetts Review, Women’s Studies, The Dreiser Encyclopedia, A Critical Companion to Henry James, Studies in American Naturalism, Encyclopedia of Modern Drama, Compendium of Twentieth Century Novelists and Novels, and Magill’s Literary Annual. Margaret specializes in English, American, and European literature of the 20th-21st century, the mystery novel, contemporary world literature, the short story, and the nineteenth century novel. She was given an award for Excellence in Teaching, SPS, New York University, 1985.
Currently Teaching
Masterpieces of 19th-Century Fiction
Read 19th-century classics that have passed the test of time and are still of interest to contemporary readers.
The Novel Today (Summer)
Discuss major new work by today’s top writers, including emerging novelists, award-winners, and established favorites, all of whom are...
The Novel Today (Spring)
Discuss major new work by today’s top writers, including emerging novelists, award winners, and established favorites. Readings: Tan...