IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR ALL NYU SPS STUDENTS: NYU requires all students, faculty members, and employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19 and to upload proof of vaccination as a condition of having access to NYU buildings – both in New York City and at the majority of our Study Away sites in the US and abroad – for the 2021-22 academic year.
For SPS Students
While COVID-19 has affected the ways in which we live, study, and work, rest assured that we are committed to providing you with an outstanding academic experience and myriad opportunities to grow personally and professionally. The resources below will enhance your learning and provide the guidance you need to make the most of your time at NYU SPS.

SPS Student Life
Student life is a signature part of the SPS experience. Programming will be as engaging and fun as ever; many of our events will be held in person with opportunities to join virtually. No matter how you plan to join, you’ll be able to:
- Participate in a wealth of social and professional events
- Get involved in student organizations
- Take part in community service opportunities
- Take advantage of workshops to hone time management and presentation skills

New Students
For those students who are joining us for the first time, take a look at all of the ways you can engage with your fellow students, faculty members, and advisers during our SPS Welcome 2021. Be sure to participate in our orientation programs to learn more about all that NYU and SPS have to offer.

Wasserman @ SPS
Regardless of how and where in the world you are studying, the NYUSPS Wasserman Center offers digital and specialized support for SPS students and alumni to maintain career wellness in the wake of COVID-19.

Preparing for Remote Learning
The SPS Center for Academic Excellence and Support (CAES) has developed a Remote Learning Guide for students. Familiarize yourself with the essentials of this modality to ensure that you have the most enlightening and rewarding learning experience.

Bobst Library Resources
The NYU Elmer Holmes Bobst Library is the flagship of a 10-library system that provides students and faculty members with access to the world’s scholarship and serves at the center of the University community’s intellectual life.
Explore a suite of Bobst Library virtual tools and resources to support your work.