FROM: Martin Dorph, Exec. Vice President and Fountain Walker, VP for Campus Safety
RE: University Open / Transportation Disruptions and Their Impacts
The remnants of Hurricane Ida severely disrupted transit and transportation systems throughout the region overnight; many of those disruptions continue to a greater or lesser extent this morning.
There was no significant damage on campus, and we are unaware so far of any members of the NYU community being injured.
The University will be open, NYU buildings will be open, and classes will proceed. Where classes and operations can be held in-person, they should proceed in-person. However, we recognize that travel will be difficult for some members of the community, with transit and transportation disruptions more severe in the morning and likely easing throughout the day. Accordingly:
- Faculty who find themselves unable to commute and hold class in-person should make whatever alternative arrangements make sense (a make-up or rescheduled class, a remotely held class, etc). Faculty who proceed with in-person classes should be prepared to accommodate students who are unable to travel today.
- NB - in the event individual school or department instructions differ from these general guidelines from the University, faculty and students should follow the local instructions
- Administrators and staff who find themselves unable to commute should work remotely. Managers and supervisors should exercise flexibility about staff and administrators who were expected on campus but encountered travel difficulties, and should support remote work options. They should also be mindful that in addition to travel difficulties, there are power outages throughout the region
- Workers in essential roles are required to report to campus at their appointed time and location
In all instances, individuals should use their good judgment and be cautious about traveling.
Be safe. Travel carefully. Take care.