Solange L Charas

Adjunct Instructor

Human Capital Management

  • BA, UC Berkeley
  • MBA, Cornell University
  • PHD, Case Western Reserve University
Contact Info

Dr. Solange Charas is a senior-level human resources expert with 30+ years of experience as a consultant, practice leader, top corporate executive, and board director across all industry sectors. She was the CHRO at Havas Worldwide, Benfield Group, and Praetorian Financial Services Group, and held senior-level positions at Ernst & Young, Arthur Andersen, and Towers Watson. She served on the boards of two public companies holding the chairperson’s role for the Audit and Remuneration Committees. She is a Distinguished Principal Research Fellow with The Conference Board. Charas is the founder and CEO of two organizations: Charas Consulting (2000) and HCMoneyball (2018).

Charas is a recognized expert in the area of human capital analytics and developed proprietary approaches to create and manage high-performing teams as well as technology-enabled solutions to quantify the return on investment of human capital. She is experienced in leading large and diverse programs and staffs. She has extensive international experience, including competency in five languages.

She earned a PhD in Designing Sustainable Systems from Case Western Reserve University, an MBA in Accounting and Finance from Cornell University, and a BA in International Economics from the University of California, Berkeley.

She has authored and been cited in over 250 practitioner articles. She is the co-author of Humanizing Human Capital: Invest in Your People for Optimal Business Returns, and has contributed chapters to all three editions of The Handbook of Board Governance by Richard LeBlanc, and Coaching the Team at Work by David Clutterbuck. She is a contributor to Forbes Magazine.