Faculty Directory

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Shoshana Bass

Clinical Assistant Professor

Project Management & Information Technology

Negar Farakish

Clinical Associate Professor

Project Management & Information Technology

Andres Fortino

Clinical Associate Professor

Project Management & Information Technology

Paul E Acquaro

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Division of Applied Undergraduate Studies

Ankur Agrawal

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Moustafa M Ahmed

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Katherine C Aquino

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Intiaz Bacchus

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Dena R Bateh

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Marketing and Public Relations

Kenneth B Beitler

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Irvin Berelowitz

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Arunava Bhattacharyya

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Andrew D Boyarsky

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Mariya Breyter

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Jerome J Bridgeman

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Pamela Brown

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Samuel Chapper

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Andreas D Christopoulos

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Deborah Coffield

Adjunct Instructor

Marketing and Public Relations

Vaughan Coleman

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Zuleika X Cuevas

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Carolina H Dabbah

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Roseanna DeMaria

Adjunct Professor

Project Management & Information Technology

Christian Delgado de Jesus

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Lawrence Delson

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Project Management & Information Technology

Anthony J Duhaime-Candeias

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Patricia A Ensworth

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Project Management & Information Technology

Simon Jean G Ergas

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Project Management & Information Technology

Arnold L Felberbaum

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Anne T Ferraro

Adjunct Associate Professor

Project Management & Information Technology

David J Fogarty

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Michael J Gamber

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Robert F Gee

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Wajahat Gilani

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Adam L Gorski

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Project Management & Information Technology

Myron Gould

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Project Management & Information Technology

Alexander Grijalva

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Aishwarya Gupta

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Mitchell Haviv

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Kathleen Hayes

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Piper Nichole Henriques

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Burdin H Hickok

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Project Management & Information Technology

Nina N Hirota

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Project Management & Information Technology

Yael Israel

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Project Management & Information Technology

Raj Iyer

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Anil Jaising

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Andrew F Jedlicka

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Kevin G Jenkins

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Eli Joseph

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Frederick B Kauber

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Samrah R Kazmi

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Jeffrey Keefer

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Project Management & Information Technology

Kapil Khetan

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Kelly H Kim

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Steve H Kim

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

David J Kipin

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Zev C Kops

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

John A Ladyzinski

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Project Management & Information Technology

Gina Lepore

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Sam Liu

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Project Management & Information Technology

Brennan M Lodge

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Eric K Lui

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Eve A MacKnight

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Lawrence A Mantrone

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Lawrence N Marciano, Jr.

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Virginia M Marino

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Arthur T Matthews

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Project Management & Information Technology

J. Terence McCarthy

Adjunct Instructor

Human Capital Management

Steven A Menges

Adjunct Instructor

Marketing and Public Relations

Khashayar Mohammadi

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Peter J Morales

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Joshua Moritz

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Marketing and Public Relations

Israel Moskowitz

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Project Management & Information Technology

Christyl Murray

Adjunct Instructor

Human Capital Management

Joseph S Nadan

Adjunct Professor

Project Management & Information Technology

Joseph Ng

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Project Management & Information Technology

Rogel Nuguid

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

John H O'Malley

Adjunct Instructor

Division of Applied Undergraduate Studies

Ronnie Obadiah

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Shannon L Ortiz

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Rosemary L Osso

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Steven M Pae

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Project Management & Information Technology

Jimmy K Pang

Adjunct Instructor

Division of Applied Undergraduate Studies

Joseph Papa

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Amit S Patel

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

George J Pefanis

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Project Management & Information Technology

Peter Peng

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Toby Penk

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Henry Pruitt

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Moshe Rasis

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Lindsay R Saunders

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Project Management & Information Technology

Thomas M Schmidt

Adjunct Instructor

Marketing and Public Relations

Jay Seagren

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Michael Shum

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Project Management & Information Technology

Dan Stone

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Samuel Sultan

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Project Management & Information Technology

Christopher J Thee

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

William B Townsend

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Tomas Villanueva

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Jonathan W Williams

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Project Management & Information Technology

Corbin Wong

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Project Management & Information Technology

Juanita M Woods

Clinical Assistant Professor

Project Management & Information Technology

Gemini Yadav

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Nicole Zeidan

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Project Management & Information Technology

Shoshana Bass

Clinical Assistant Professor LEARN MORE Shoshana Bass
Project Management & Information Technology

Negar Farakish

Clinical Associate Professor LEARN MORE Negar Farakish
Project Management & Information Technology

Andres Fortino

Clinical Associate Professor LEARN MORE Andres Fortino
Division of Applied Undergraduate Studies

Paul E Acquaro

Adjunct Assistant Professor LEARN MORE Paul E Acquaro
Project Management & Information Technology

Ankur Agrawal

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE Ankur Agrawal
Project Management & Information Technology

Moustafa M Ahmed

Project Management & Information Technology

Katherine C Aquino

Project Management & Information Technology

Intiaz Bacchus

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE Intiaz Bacchus
Marketing and Public Relations

Dena R Bateh

Adjunct Assistant Professor LEARN MORE Dena R Bateh
Project Management & Information Technology

Kenneth B Beitler

Project Management & Information Technology

Irvin Berelowitz

Project Management & Information Technology

Arunava Bhattacharyya

Project Management & Information Technology

Andrew D Boyarsky

Project Management & Information Technology

Mariya Breyter

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE Mariya Breyter
Project Management & Information Technology

Jerome J Bridgeman

Project Management & Information Technology

Pamela Brown

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE Pamela Brown
Project Management & Information Technology

Samuel Chapper

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE Samuel Chapper
Project Management & Information Technology

Andreas D Christopoulos

Marketing and Public Relations

Deborah Coffield

Project Management & Information Technology

Vaughan Coleman

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE Vaughan Coleman
Project Management & Information Technology

Zuleika X Cuevas

Project Management & Information Technology

Carolina H Dabbah

Project Management & Information Technology

Roseanna DeMaria

Project Management & Information Technology

Christian Delgado de Jesus

Project Management & Information Technology

Lawrence Delson

Adjunct Assistant Professor LEARN MORE Lawrence Delson
Project Management & Information Technology

Anthony J Duhaime-Candeias

Project Management & Information Technology

Patricia A Ensworth

Adjunct Assistant Professor LEARN MORE Patricia A Ensworth
Project Management & Information Technology

Simon Jean G Ergas

Adjunct Assistant Professor LEARN MORE Simon Jean G Ergas
Project Management & Information Technology

Arnold L Felberbaum

Project Management & Information Technology

Anne T Ferraro

Adjunct Associate Professor LEARN MORE Anne T Ferraro
Project Management & Information Technology

David J Fogarty

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE David J Fogarty
Project Management & Information Technology

Michael J Gamber

Project Management & Information Technology

Robert F Gee

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE Robert F Gee
Project Management & Information Technology

Wajahat Gilani

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE Wajahat Gilani
Project Management & Information Technology

Adam L Gorski

Adjunct Assistant Professor LEARN MORE Adam L Gorski
Project Management & Information Technology

Myron Gould

Adjunct Assistant Professor LEARN MORE Myron Gould
Project Management & Information Technology

Alexander Grijalva

Project Management & Information Technology

Aishwarya Gupta

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE Aishwarya Gupta
Project Management & Information Technology

Mitchell Haviv

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE Mitchell Haviv
Project Management & Information Technology

Kathleen Hayes

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE Kathleen Hayes
Project Management & Information Technology

Piper Nichole Henriques

Project Management & Information Technology

Burdin H Hickok

Adjunct Assistant Professor LEARN MORE Burdin H Hickok
Project Management & Information Technology

Nina N Hirota

Adjunct Assistant Professor LEARN MORE Nina N Hirota
Project Management & Information Technology

Yael Israel

Adjunct Assistant Professor LEARN MORE Yael Israel
Project Management & Information Technology

Raj Iyer

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE Raj Iyer
Project Management & Information Technology

Anil Jaising

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE Anil Jaising
Project Management & Information Technology

Andrew F Jedlicka

Project Management & Information Technology

Kevin G Jenkins

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE Kevin G Jenkins
Project Management & Information Technology

Eli Joseph

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE Eli Joseph
Project Management & Information Technology

Frederick B Kauber

Project Management & Information Technology

Samrah R Kazmi

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE Samrah R Kazmi
Project Management & Information Technology

Jeffrey Keefer

Adjunct Assistant Professor LEARN MORE Jeffrey Keefer
Project Management & Information Technology

Kapil Khetan

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE Kapil Khetan
Project Management & Information Technology

Kelly H Kim

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE Kelly H Kim
Project Management & Information Technology

Steve H Kim

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE Steve H Kim
Project Management & Information Technology

David J Kipin

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE David J Kipin
Project Management & Information Technology

Zev C Kops

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE Zev C Kops
Project Management & Information Technology

John A Ladyzinski

Adjunct Assistant Professor LEARN MORE John A Ladyzinski
Project Management & Information Technology

Gina Lepore

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE Gina Lepore
Project Management & Information Technology

Sam Liu

Adjunct Assistant Professor LEARN MORE Sam Liu
Project Management & Information Technology

Brennan M Lodge

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE Brennan M Lodge
Project Management & Information Technology

Eric K Lui

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE Eric K Lui
Project Management & Information Technology

Eve A MacKnight

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE Eve A MacKnight
Project Management & Information Technology

Lawrence A Mantrone

Project Management & Information Technology

Lawrence N Marciano, Jr.

Project Management & Information Technology

Virginia M Marino

Project Management & Information Technology

Arthur T Matthews

Adjunct Assistant Professor LEARN MORE Arthur T Matthews
Human Capital Management

J. Terence McCarthy

Marketing and Public Relations

Steven A Menges

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE Steven A Menges
Project Management & Information Technology

Khashayar Mohammadi

Project Management & Information Technology

Peter J Morales

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE Peter J Morales
Marketing and Public Relations

Joshua Moritz

Adjunct Assistant Professor LEARN MORE Joshua Moritz
Project Management & Information Technology

Israel Moskowitz

Adjunct Assistant Professor LEARN MORE Israel Moskowitz
Human Capital Management

Christyl Murray

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE Christyl Murray
Project Management & Information Technology

Joseph S Nadan

Adjunct Professor LEARN MORE Joseph S Nadan
Project Management & Information Technology

Joseph Ng

Adjunct Assistant Professor LEARN MORE Joseph Ng
Project Management & Information Technology

Rogel Nuguid

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE Rogel Nuguid
Division of Applied Undergraduate Studies

John H O'Malley

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE John H O'Malley
Project Management & Information Technology

Ronnie Obadiah

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE Ronnie Obadiah
Project Management & Information Technology

Shannon L Ortiz

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE Shannon L Ortiz
Project Management & Information Technology

Rosemary L Osso

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE Rosemary L Osso
Project Management & Information Technology

Steven M Pae

Adjunct Assistant Professor LEARN MORE Steven M Pae
Division of Applied Undergraduate Studies

Jimmy K Pang

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE Jimmy K Pang
Project Management & Information Technology

Joseph Papa

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE Joseph Papa
Project Management & Information Technology

Amit S Patel

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE Amit S Patel
Project Management & Information Technology

George J Pefanis

Adjunct Assistant Professor LEARN MORE George J Pefanis
Project Management & Information Technology

Peter Peng

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE Peter Peng
Project Management & Information Technology

Toby Penk

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE Toby Penk
Project Management & Information Technology

Henry Pruitt

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE Henry Pruitt
Project Management & Information Technology

Moshe Rasis

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE Moshe Rasis
Project Management & Information Technology

Lindsay R Saunders

Adjunct Assistant Professor LEARN MORE Lindsay R Saunders
Marketing and Public Relations

Thomas M Schmidt

Project Management & Information Technology

Jay Seagren

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE Jay Seagren
Project Management & Information Technology

Michael Shum

Adjunct Assistant Professor LEARN MORE Michael Shum
Project Management & Information Technology

Dan Stone

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE Dan Stone
Project Management & Information Technology

Samuel Sultan

Adjunct Assistant Professor LEARN MORE Samuel Sultan
Project Management & Information Technology

Christopher J Thee

Project Management & Information Technology

William B Townsend

Project Management & Information Technology

Tomas Villanueva

Project Management & Information Technology

Jonathan W Williams

Adjunct Assistant Professor LEARN MORE Jonathan W Williams
Project Management & Information Technology

Corbin Wong

Adjunct Assistant Professor LEARN MORE Corbin Wong
Project Management & Information Technology

Juanita M Woods

Clinical Assistant Professor LEARN MORE Juanita M Woods
Project Management & Information Technology

Gemini Yadav

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE Gemini Yadav
Project Management & Information Technology

Nicole Zeidan

Adjunct Instructor LEARN MORE Nicole Zeidan