According to the International Coaching Federation (ICF), 86% of organizations saw a return on investment on their coaching engagements, and 96% of those individuals who had an executive coach said they would work with one again.
It was with these trends in mind that the NYU School of Professional Studies (NYU SPS) Division of Programs in Business (DPB) launched the Certificate in Executive Coaching and Certificate in Professional Coaching, and applied for their ICF accreditation. After a rigorous review process, both certificates received ICF accreditation—the gold standard for the industry.
The ICF is the world’s largest organization leading the global advancement of the coaching profession and fostering coaching’s role as an integral part of a thriving society. Founded in 1995, its 41,000-plus members located in more than 150 countries and territories work toward common goals of enhancing awareness of coaching and upholding the integrity of the profession through lifelong learning and upholding the highest ethical standards. Through the work of its six unique family organizations, ICF empowers professional coaches, coaching clients, organizations, communities, and the world through coaching. These recently launched NYU SPS coaching certificates have now been verified as being in complete alignment with the best practices of this leading industry organization.
“Demand for highly skilled and academically trained executive coaching and organizational consulting professionals continues to grow, and ICF accreditation is the industry gold standard for coaching program excellence,” said Martin Ihrig, PhD, associate dean, NYU SPS DPB. “We are extremely proud to be recognized as a top continuing education provider for future executive coaches and organizational consultants.”
Both NYU SPS Coaching Certificates focus on developing coaches using a three-pronged approach: theory and science, evidence-based models and tools, and ICF core competencies. Through applied practical sessions, students use these skills and techniques in a variety of client scenarios. Each course is 12 weeks long and provides 36 synchronous and 14 asynchronous hours of instruction, and now with this ICF accreditation, NYU SPS is an ICF Approved Coach Specific Training Hours (ACSTH) provider, entitling students to earn 50 coach-specific training hours with ICF per course.
“We are committed to offering an education grounded in evidence-based science and applied practice to empower our students to become more influential and strategic as coaches and consultants,” said Anna Tavis, PhD, clinical professor and academic director of the Human Capital Management Department at NYU SPS DPB. “This accreditation is validation from the industry that our certificate programs adhere to and align with the rigorous competency model and high ethical standards that ICF has established for the field. We will soon turn our attention to applying for the same accreditation for our MS in Executive Coaching and Organizational Consulting.”