January 26, 2021

Division of Programs in Business Hosts Spring 2021 Welcome Back Event with Deborah Levine ‘71

The NYU SPS Division of Programs in Business (DPB) hosted its annual Spring Welcome Back Event for faculty and staff on Monday, January 25th. This year’s program featured a virtual seminar on “Cognitive Diversity & Neuro-communication in Changing Classrooms,” facilitated by Deborah Levine ‘71. Levine is a Forbes Top Diversity & Inclusion Trailblazer and NYU graduate in Cultural Anthropology and Arts Administration. During the presentation, she introduced the Matrix Model Management System, a methodology that she devised for promoting Diversity & Inclusion. Participants explored tools and strategies for refining their cultural competence and managing diversity-related conflicts in an academic setting. 

Deborah Levine is a Diversity Futurist with 33 years of experience in speaking, consulting, and coaching around cultural diversity. Deborah has lived, worked, and studied across the US, acquiring advanced degrees in cultural anthropology, religion, and urban planning. She's a pioneer/visionary by nature and founded the Women's Council on Diversity (after 9/11) and the Black-Jewish Dialogue (2020). An award-winning author of 15 books, Deborah founded and edited AmericanDiversityReport.com for 15 years. She invented the Matrix Model Management System, a cognitive technology for cross-cultural communication and implicit bias training based on cultural anthropology and urban planning. Her articles on cultural diversity are published in The Huffington Post, Harvard Divinity School Bulletin, The Christian Century, The Bermuda Magazine, and the Journal of Public Management & Social Policy. She's currently an opinion columnist at the Chattanooga Times Free Press.

DPB is the largest division of NYU School of Professional Studies, with over 2,200 students, 500 faculty members, and 6,700 alumni. The Division comprises four centers of excellence that educate leaders in the functional areas of an enterprise. Each department’s credit and non-credit portfolio of educational offerings serves students at every level of their career, providing them with the knowledge and skills required to succeed in critical positions in their professional development.

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