December 2, 2021

ISM Student Spotlight: Boukare Kanazoe and Mamadou Diallo

The comprehensive STEM-designated degree program, Bachelor’s of Science in Information Systems Management, offers students an opportunity to develop the expertise necessary for the successful deployment of new technologies in many diverse fields. In this program, students learn how to design, operate, and evaluate competitive technology alternatives to meet an organization’s needs. Two ISM students relay how they plan to apply their skill sets to meet the demands of an evolving technological workplace. 


Boukare Kanazoe, ISM ‘22

Boukare Kanazoe first wanted to study Information Systems Management because he wanted  to work as a security analyst. Upon enrolling in the course, Information Security Management, Boukare began to rethink his approach to information security and risk management. He has since developed an entrepreneurial vision and plans to launch a consulting firm and “construct a world-class information security system for organizations.” Becoming a computer information and systems specialist as a result of his degree, Boukare’s main goal is to apply the skills he has learned in service to the community at large. 

But his focus is not all business. As a Community College Transfer Opportunity Program (CCTOP) scholar, Boukare looks to continue his academic journey with a master’s degree and then a Ph.D. in the applied sciences. He credits NYU SPS’s diverse community, rich curricula, and the professors he has studied with  in the Division of Applied Undergraduate Studies (DAUS), with fueling his drive to succeed and attain his goals. Coursework and classes really excited his interest, as expert professors bring industry level experiences into the classroom. Professor Antonios Saravanos, who coordinates the ISM program, emphasizes, “Our faculty have extensive industry experience and have worked for or currently hold prominent positions in some of the top organizations in New York City, for example, Morgan Stanley, AlticeUSA, Outbrain, Mutual of America Financial Group, Citi, Hiscox, Oscar, to name a few.”

Boukare Kanazoe

Boukare Kanazoe

In addition to his studies, Boukare seeks to improve his interpersonal skills, network with peers, and assist others. Consequently, he joined the Student Association of Applied Science (SAAS) and eventually served as the club’s social media chair for two semesters. Time management, however, presented a challenge. Yet Boukare learned to prioritize activities as a result of creating to-do lists. Additionally, flexible evening course hours aided him in balancing work, school, and extracurricular activities. But the purposeful goals he sets and strives to achieve everyday “propel me to overcome any obstacle.”

Mamadou Boussouriou Diallo, ISM ‘22 

Because the Division of Applied Undergraduate Studies (DAUS) offers courses in computer science and information system management, Mamadou Diallo was excited to apply, and he found that the ISM program prepares students for diverse career paths: “Since DAUS administers a multitude of programs, I concluded that I would accomplish an extensive array of knowledge and skill sets to reach my goals.” Looking to gain real world experience in software engineering after graduation, Mamadou appreciates how the ISM program provides courses from which students can choose to gain necessary, practical skills, such as programming, project management, and databases. Moreover, “students have the opportunity to engage with other complementary programs across New York University, including programs such as Computer Science, Data Science, and Business and Technology Management,” affirms Professor Saravanos.

Additionally, Mamadou completed an internship this past summer with Bank of America as an analyst, a role which allowed him to leverage what he has learned at SPS to complete those tasks set by his manager. So successful was Mamadou in this role that he secured a full-time offer as a result of the internship. He recognizes in his coursework the keys to this success. Intro to FinTech (Financial Technology) proved to be his favorite class, since, as Mamadou asserts, there was “so much to learn in this course, which lines up with my work and provides a general understanding of feature technologies in the banking business.”

Mamadou Diallo

Mamadou Diallo

Clinical Associate Professor Antonios Saravanos leads both the Associate in Applied Sciences and Bachelor’s of Science degrees in Information Systems Management as well as the Bachelor’s of Science in Applied Data Analytics and Visualization.

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