August 2, 2019

Increasing Metacognitive Awareness in a Linear Algebra Course

By Zachary Elmassian

Dr. Donatella Delfino, Clinical Associate Professor and ACP Coordinator for mathematics and science at the Division of Applied Undergraduate Studies (DAUS), was awarded one of the 2019 SPS Innovations in Teaching and Learning grants to design and implement a teaching strategy aimed at enhancing the students’ experience of linear algebra at DAUS.

Linear algebra provides the foundation for students interested in pursuing careers in the rapidly growing and evolving fields of computer science and data science. For example, image retouching, deep learning, and neural networks all rely heavily on linear algebra tools. However, the amount of terminology and abstraction that is required to master linear algebra often results in students perceiving introductory linear algebra courses as difficult which may discourage them from further study.

Dr. Delfino plans to design activities, such as computer labs and student created concept maps, to give the students the opportunity to reflect on why the course topics are relevant and how they fit together. She also plans to  measure the success of the design through students’ questionnaires and assessment tools.

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