July 31, 2020

Capstone to Career: 2020 Thesis Projects in Translation

MS in Translation & Interpreting (MSTI) students finish their program by designing an applied thesis project that relates to their current career aims. These projects are guided individually by one of our expert faculty, followed by a committee review with an outside reader and the academic director. Read on for a sample of projects completed in Spring 2020!  

Translating Media Reports of the Chilean Socio-political Uprising of 2019

Ashlea Burke

Ashlea Burke explored the recent uprising in Chile and the importance of local cultural references, dialects, and sociolects for the accuracy of international media coverage. Taking an autoethnographic approach, Ashlea drew from her personal experience at protests and research in social media to produce a translation glossary of terms in chilenismos with Spanish and English equivalents.

Interested in a project like Ashlea’s? Read about the MSTI elective Translation for New Media.


The 5G Era: What is 5G & How Will It Change the World?

Lu Liu

Lu Liu translated selections from a book on 5G networks from Chinese into English for her thesis project. Translating texts in the field of science and technology requires not only advanced knowledge of both languages, but also the research skills to establish proper terminology use. Lu also used memoQ, a CAT tool, to ensure consistency and manage terminology. 

Interest in a project like Lu’s? Read about the MSTI elective Translation in Science & Technology.

Crystallex International Corporation v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Elizabeth Perez Diner

Elizabeth Perez Diner drew on her experiences in an internship with the Legal Services of New Jersey to translate a judgment of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third District of Delaware from English into Spanish. Elizabeth’s focus on legal concepts and textual analysis enabled her to produce a timely rendition of this appeal over a $1.386 billion award in favor of Crystallex that is part of an ongoing dispute between the Canadian mining company and Venezuela over gold mine deposits. 

Interested in a project like Elizabeth’s? Read about the MSTI elective Legal Translation.

The Translation of a Swan Song

Chun Ju Wang

Chun Ju Wang undertook the translation from Chinese into English of a science fiction story about a translator and including the translation of a made-up language! It made our heads spin. The 1976 story by CHANG Shikuo, set in the 63rd century, called for creativity, nuance, and quite a bit of invention when it came to translating the “Qalterian” language. 

Interested in a project like Chun Ju’s? Read about the MSTI elective Literary Translation.

Congratulations to all of our 2020 MST Graduates!


A translation and interpreting degree can help you to take charge of your career, whether you are new to the field or already working in the language professions. Apply for CALA’s MS in Translation and Interpreting, a fully online, 36-credit graduate program.


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