MS in Professional Writing student, Tony Davis, published his first book God Loves You: Some Restrictions May Apply (and Many Other Christian Dilemmas) earlier this year and it quickly rose in rank on Amazon to #25 in Atheism and #130 for all books on Religion.
In his book, Tony recounts his personal journey from devout, fundamentalist Southern Baptist, to skeptic questioning what he saw as the most troubling aspects of a literal interpretation of the Bible and, ultimately, to outspoken unbeliever with a strong conviction in the importance of religious liberties. Most important for Tony is the idea that these liberties extend to everyone, including non-believers who wish to remain free of religious influence, be it from the Church, the government, or others. Written over a 10-year period from 2008 to 2018, and published while Tony is completing his MS in Professional Writing coursework, Tony’s book was drafted across twenty-five countries and four continents, including an active combat zone, as well as a number of states in the US. Congratulations Tony on this impressive work.