July 13, 2023

NYU SPS George H. Heyman Jr. Program for Fundraising & Philanthropy Program’s Elizabeth Ngonzi recently spoke with NBS Television to discuss beneficial uses of AI within the space of digital storytelling

NYU SPS George H. Heyman Jr. Program for Fundraising and Philanthropy Program faculty member Elizabeth (Liz) Ngonzi recently spoke with NBS Television to discuss how AI can be used to enhance stakeholder engagement and digital storytelling. During the conversation, Ngonzi spoke about the different ways in which AI can be used to collect and analyze data, create interactive experiences, and tell stories in new and engaging ways.

Ngonzi also spoke about the ethical implications of using AI for these purposes, and how to ensure that AI is used in a way that is fair and equitable. Watch the video here.

Professor Ngonzi is the Founder and CEO of The International Social Impact Institute® and an Adjunct Assistant Professor at New York University's Center for Global Affairs. Since 2009, she has been a dedicated faculty member at New York University, developing and teaching courses that empower working professionals to leverage emerging technologies for effective stakeholder engagement. 

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