October 13, 2023

CGA Faculty Spotlight: Jennifer Trahan on "Sovereignty as Responsibility" and the situation of Ukraine

Congratulations to CGA's Professor Trahan on the publication of a book chapter and three law review articles.

The book chapter is in the book Reimagining the International Legal Order, Vesselin Popovski and Ankit Malhotra eds. (Routledge 2023), with Professor Trahan's chapter titled “Sovereignty as Responsibility: Understanding the Legal Parameters of the Veto Power.”

Professor Trahan also had two articles published on the proposal for a Special Tribunal on the Crime of Aggression for the situation of Ukraine:

- “The Need for a Special Tribunal on the Crime of Aggression for the Situation in Ukraine,” 46 Fordham J of Int’l L 671 (2023)

- “A Brief Exploration of the Need for a Special International Criminal Tribunal on the Crime of Aggression,” Baltimore J of Int’t L (2023)

Her third article focuses on legal questions associated with Russia's veto at the UN Security Council of a resolution that would have condemned its commission of aggression and taken other steps to respond to it. The article is titled "Legal Issues Surrounding Veto Use and Aggression,” 55 Case W. Res. J. Int’l L. 61 (2023)


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