Center for Global Affairs

Energy and Sustainability Management for Portfolios: Putting Policy into Practice

This course delivers students a practical view and associated tools for management of energy in individual facilities as well as throughout larger portfolios of facilities, with a particular focus on evolving sustainability related regulations, including mandated and quasi-mandated reporting. Students will review aspects of the operations involved in roles responsible for energy and sustainability management including how energy markets and policies intersect with facility and portfolio investment, management, and compliance reporting. Through class lectures, industry articles, site visits, assigned readings, and expert speakers, the course will provide students with the ability to understand how energy policy, markets, and regulation intersect with operational personnel, equipment, budgets, and contracts. Case studies where students assess the success of various theoretical concepts and applications are included. Students will progressively learn key aspects or facility/portfolio energy and sustainability management, culminating in a final research project evaluating a timely issue(s) affecting the NYC market.
Course Number
Associated Degrees