Real Estate Development Market Analysis and Feasibility
Learn fundamental real estate market analysis principles and techniques to make better-informed development and investment decisions. Topics include property location analysis, economic base analysis, demographics, demand analysis, competitive supply analysis, market interaction, capture, absorption rates, and marketability. Also covered are highest and best use, valuation, sales, cost and income approaches, direct capitalization versus yield capitalization (DCF), feasibility analysis, and the economic feasibility/development approach.
Note: Registering at least two weeks prior to the start of the course date is highly recommended. Popular classes fill up quickly and more specialized classes need sufficient enrollment.
For general information about this course, please call 212-992-3336 or email
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- It may take at least 24 hours from the time you registered for your information to be transferred into Brightspace.
- New students registering two days or LESS before the start date of the course may experience delayed access.
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You'll Walk Away with
- The ability to perform property location analysis
- The skills to determine highest and best use
Ideal for
- Real estate developers
- Real estate asset managers