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BRICS: The Rise of Geopolitical and Economic Influencers

Register for this Fall 2023 course on the NYU SPS Academy of Lifelong Learning website.
In 2001, an investment banker coined the term BRICS to represent the economic optimism for emerging economies global economies in Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, however, two decades later, only China has exceeded growth expectations. Because of this, the BRICS grouping appeared to be inconsequential but recently these five countries are propelling a new geopolitical and economic realignment. What has been the impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine?  Why was the West seemingly caught off balance by the lack of Indian, Brazilian, and South African support for Ukraine and how has the war accelerated other countries in the Global South to push for an alliance with BRICS? What role has Western trade sanctions played in the call for an alternative trade currency? With China now the biggest creditor in the world, replacing the World Bank as the financial lender, what does China hope to gain? Explore the relationship between these countries and their competing and complementary objectives, and examine the challenges facing the Western Alliance as other countries gain influence on the global stage. 

Fall 2023 tuition is $450.

More details

You'll Walk Away with

  • An understanding of how BRICS countries might serve as a catalyst for emerging economies to challenge the historic dominance of the West.
  • A clearer understanding of a competitive multipolar global system
  • A strategic view of the interconnection of economic drivers in the global power struggle including a possible new international trading currency for commerce among BRICS members

Ideal for

  • Those seeking an understanding of how a multipolar system will develop including political and economic realignments
  • Students interested in learning more about the geopolitical shifts between "Western" and "Non-Western" countries in recent years
NO open sections available for this course at the moment. Please check back next semester.