Rhea Friedman
Adjunct Instructor Rhea G. Friedman, JD, CFP(R)Rhea G. Friedman is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER Professional and an attorney. She has been a member of the Adjunct Faculty at NYU SPS for over 13 years. She served as a New York State Family Court Judge for over twenty years. Since then, in her dual practice, she specializes in the intersection of tax and estate planning and family law. She has worked as a registered representative; as an Impartial Hearing Officer presiding over Special Education hearings; and is currently a Court Examiner of Article 81 Guardianship Accounts, appointed by the Appellate Division. She earned her Certificate in Financial Planning from NYU SPS. Rhea Friedman is a graduate of Barnard College and of Brooklyn Law School where she was Book Review editor of the Law Review.
Past Courses
FP 4: Income Tax Planning
Become familiar with the tax law research process, terminology, the computation of tax, and other concepts of income tax accounting.