Leslie Nydick
Adjunct InstructorLeslie Nydick has a broad background in negotiation and conflict management. Leslie and her firm, Mediation & Arbitration Forum LLC, provide conflict management services to businesses and individuals for a wide range of business and workplace issues. Leslie has expertise as a mediator, coach, and consultant. She is also an experienced Arbitrator for the financial industry. She has received numerous appointments as a neutral and guardian for NY State Supreme Court. Prior to managing her business, she developed management experience in the private and public sector. Leslie has been a member of the Adjunct Faculty at NYU since 2008. Leslie teaches continuing education and credit courses in Conflict Management, Mediation and Cross-Cultural Communications. She has a B.S. Degree from Cornell University.
Currently Teaching
Conflict Management Techniques for the Workplace
Develop your critical conflict management skills and increase your effectiveness as a professional.