Susan Matthias
Adjunct InstructorSusan Matthias received her PhD in Comparative Literature from NYU and her BA from Vassar College. Her areas of concentration were the modern Greek novel and Modernist literature. Her dissertation, a translation of Six Nights on the Acropolis, the only novel by Greek Nobel Laureate poet George Seferis, was awarded the Elizabeth Constantinides Prize and was published by Cosmos Publishing. Matthias' translations have appeared in publications including The Harvard Review, the Journal of Modern Greek Studies, and Modernism/Modernity. For the Center of Applied Liberal Arts, she specializes in classical literature, with courses on Homer, Virgil, and Greek tragedy. Before returning to academia, Matthias was VP/Director of Client Services at the public relations firm, Burson-Marsteller. She is a recipient of the NYUSPS Teaching Excellence Award.
Currently Teaching
The Paradox of Tragedy
Read and analyze famous tragic dramas from ancient Greece to the modern-day United...